Staying up to date on flu and COVID-19 vaccines significantly lowers your risk of getting sick. Besides the risk of hospitalization and severe illness, getting vaccinated also lowers your chances of missing work, school and special occasions. Weddings, births, and graduations are some of the major moments you could miss because of the flu or COVID-19. Getting vaccinated is an easy way to protect yourself from missing the moments that matter most in life.
For residents of Mt. Washington Valley, schedule your vaccine appointment at whitemountainhealth.org or visit one of the upcoming vaccine clinics.
Everyone else, visit vaccines.gov.
There is no charge for vaccination, regardless of insurance status.
The NHIIS makes it easy for you and your healthcare provider(s) to know when you received your vaccines. Life gets busy. Vaccine cards get lost. Let the NHIIS do the remembering for you! You will be given the opportunity to opt in at your vaccine appointment.
No personal data, such as name, address, date of birth, immunization, or vaccine information will be entered into the registry without the explicit written or electronic consent of the patient or the patient's parent or guardian.
- Who? Everyone 6 month of age or older. See CDC for specific recommendations.
- What? The fall COVID-19 vaccine has an updated formula that matches the Omicron subvariant that’s currently circulating.
- When? The updated vaccine is now available! Protection against infection is strongest for the first few months. Protection against severe disease lasts longer.
- Where? Visit one of our vaccine clinics from Sept. 28–Nov. 9 or find other options at www.vaccines.gov.
- Why? Getting a vaccine will give you some protection against contracting and therefore spreading the virus, and it can make your sickness milder and shorter if you do get it. Last year, the fall COVID-19 vaccine provided 40–60% additional effectiveness against severe disease.
- Who? Everyone six months of age and older should get vaccinated.
- What? This fall’s flu shot targets four strains of seasonal flu.
- When? For most people, September and October are the best times to get vaccinated so you’re fully protected before the flu hits your community. The complete list of timing recommendations for specific populations (pregnant people, older adults, young children) is available here.
- Where? Visit one of our vaccine clinics from Sept. 28–Nov. 9 or find other options at www.vaccines.gov.
- Why? Getting vaccinated against influenza in the fall can reduce the risk of needing medical attention for the flu by 40–60%. Based on what we saw during Australia’s flu season this summer, it looks like this year’s vaccine will offer strong protection.
Is the vaccine free?
If you are uninsured — You won't be charged for your vaccination. The NH Immunization Program (in conjunction with federal vaccine funding) has supplied White Mountain Community Health Center with vaccines designated for people without health insurance.
If you are insured —Please bring your card with you. You will not be charged since your insurance will cover the entire cost of the vaccine.
This is financed under a contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services, with funds supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award by CDC/HHS “NH Initiative to address COVID-19 Health Disparities grant #NH750T000031”. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.